We have been active as a label and distro since 1997/8 and have a fairly large catalogue of releases from bands within the UK DIY community to bands on the International stage.
We started as Potatoe Print Records (actual spelling) with a name given to us by Rich Perri of SPEEDOWAX Records (UK pop-punk and HC legend). Three years later we became Rock Em Dead Records and have been that ever since.
We have released 7” vinyl and CDLPs either alone or with other labels as part of a co-op. Initially we sold by mailorder and from stalls at gigs and through flyers but in this modern world we decided to catch up with everyone else. You can now purchase our releases using Paypal and card.
We are able to do decent wholesale prices to other distros and retail outlets. Please contact us with requirements and we’ll try to oblige.
Please give us a Like, Follow or Share on our Facebook page (links above and below) as this will help us greatly to get our name known.
[Please note that we do not maintain a mailing list nor do we collect the emails of people who contact us. We do not spam our customers.]